Every Spring, on my drives or walks home, I see them – allergy sufferers. Sneezing,
red watery eyes, irritating cough at bus stops and dog parks– my heart goes out to
these folks. I wish I had the nerve to hand them my card, but I always think that would
be weird!
Why do some of us react so violently to the beauty of Spring weather? How can natural
substances like pollen cause such an intense response by the immune system? The
answers may be different for everyone, but one thing is clear here in our clinic: allergies
can greatly improve or go away altogether with a mix of acupuncture, herbal therapy,
and dietary adjustments. It does take time, but in using a multi-pronged approach to
allergies, we can pull them out by the root – whereas over-the-counter medications can
only suppress the symptoms.
If you’ve had life-long asthma, that needs to be addressed along with the allergy
symptoms. Shoring up the pulmonary system with herbs and acupuncture can have
profound effects on not only lung capacity, but also improve immunity, leading to fewer
allergy attacks, colds, and flu. If you’re like many people who have no history of asthma
but suffer from seasonal allergies in adulthood, we look more to the organs of
elimination – the liver and the kidneys. Most of our clinic regulars have undergone our
21 Day Cleanse, which helps to rid the body of accumulated toxicants, thus lifting the
burden from these organs, and allowing more resources for the immune system to do its
job. And for some luckier folks, merely avoiding a few things in their day-to-day diet is
all it takes to eliminate all annoying sneezing, headaches, congestion etc.
So, what “type” of allergies do you have? Lung, liver, kidney, stomach – we can help
you sort yourself out, and you may really enjoy the weather next Spring.
Sharone Franzen is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist based in the Lakeside Village/West Portal neighborhood of San Francisco, California.
2636 Ocean Ave
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 572-1797
For appointments:
(415) 812-9860
© Blue Willow Acupuncture. All rights reserved.